Paul Lynch in conversation with Anna Luyten (Remco Koers)
In this newsletter we look back at 5 days full of captivating literature and music with 80+ performances at 10 locations. The relocation of the main programme to the Koninklijke Schouwburg was a great success. We will definitely return next year, with an extra stage…
There were many memorable performances by, amongst others, Nathan Thrall, Paul Lynch, Local Natives, MRCY, Sheherazaad, Solvej Balle, Jonas Eika as well as a surprise performance by Guy Garvey. LA LOM had everyone dancing in The Attic. Music and literature came together at a number of performances, such as those of Malachy Tallack, Stuart Murdoch and Moon Unit Zappa.
And of course all the writers and musicians who performed at the special events. The Dutch-language, multidisciplinary programme You’ll have to scream LOUDER in the Grey Space in the Middle, the Kids programme in Theater Vaillant (check here for a small impression), The European Literature Prize Award Ceremony with Olga Tokarczuk and Karol Lesman in the Kunstmuseum Den Haag and for the new generation of readers: Crossing Border NXT in the Central Library.
The talented writers and translators of The Chronicles came up with beautiful festival stories. You can read them here.
A number of beautiful festival reports have been written; NRC ('Literatuur als mythische ontsnapping aan de dystopische realiteit op Crossing Border'), De Volkskrant and Oor.
SAVE THE DATE for Crossing Border 2025: 5 - 9 November
Here's a selection of photographs, taken by Parcifal Werkman and Remco Koers: