After two years finally a festival again. Organizing an international live festival during a pandemic proved a challenge, but we went for it and thankfully everything fell into place, including sold out venues and fantastic artists.
Warren Ellis immediately set the tone on the opening night with a book presentation and violin solos. On Friday, Colson Whitehead demonstrated his great sense of humor in front of a packed Royal Theater, and many more highlights followed such as Douglas Stuart, Ghostpoet, CMAT, Tamsin Calidas, Stuart A. Staples and many others.
The move to Korzo Theater and surroundings worked out really well, and so did the extension of the day programme. Next year we will continue on this path, hopefully in full force.

To all visitors: thank you for coming! We hope you enjoyed it and hopefully we’ll see you again next year! The dates are already confirmed. Crossing Border 2022 takes place 2 – 5 November ’22 in The Hague.
Click here for more photos of Crossing Border 2021.
See you next year!

The Chronicles stories online
With The Chronicles, Crossing Border 2021 once again presented a platform for young, talented and mostly international writers and translators in residence. A daily festival story by authors Olivia Wenzel, Natasha Brown, Marta Barone, Tobi Lakmaker, Jens Meijen and Pajtim Statovci was translated ‘live’ by literary translators Peter Huijzer, Nevorice Matheu, Sander Grasman, Katja Vekshina, Lotte Hammond and Evelien Waegemans.
The festival stories are now online!
Click here to read them.

Letters of support in the collection of the Museum of Literature
Not so long ago, Crossing Border found itself in serious trouble after the negative Kunstenplan advice. The hundreds of messages of support we received were of crucial importance and helped to turn the tide.
The Museum of Literature has now included the collected statements of support in its museum collection. A very great honour.
Writer Anne Louïse van den Dool wrote a beautiful piece about the protest book. Read it here (in Dutch).

Lenny Kaye at BorderKitchen
On Thursday 18 November the legendary guitarist of the Patti Smith Group Lenny Kaye comes to BorderKitchen. Don’t miss this!
Lenny Kaye will be interviewed by Lee Brackstone about his latest book Lightning Striking: an exploration of ten key moments in the history of rock ‘n’ roll. An hour of listening to the most amazing anecdotes of a man who has spent decades on the frontline of rock ‘n’ roll, playing with all the greats. He’s bringing his guitar along!
Date: Thursday 18 November 2021
Time: 20:00
Duration: 60-minute interview + Q&A
Location: BorderKitchen, Kerkstraat 11, Den Haag
Costs: 7,50 (excl. service costs)
Click here for tickets