Timetables evening programme 1 and 2 November online now!

With exactly two weeks to go before the start of Crossing Border 2024, now is the time to start planning!
We have just published the timetables for the festival evening programme on 1 and 2 November in the Royal Theatre.
You can also find the timetables for the day programme, the Kids' Programme and You'll Have to Scream LOUDER on the website.
Unfortunately, Kaveh Akbar had to cancel his visit due to personal circumstances.
Crossing Border special Holland’s Maandblad

Crossing Border has joined forces with the literary magazine Hollands Maandblad. The result is a printed edition with striking stories, restless poetry and essays that will haunt your mind for quite a while. With contributions from Arad Dabiri, Rinske Bouwman, Bernardo Zannoni, Daniëlle Zawadi, Ariana Harwicz, Twan Vet and Jit Narain, among others. The magazine is in Dutch and will be available for free during the festival evenings at the Hollands Maandblad stages in the hallways of the Royal Theatre.
Anniversary offer: Hollands Maandblad, the literary magazine, is celebrating its 65th anniversary. You can receive 8 issues for €65. Go to www.hollandsmaandblad.nl for the anniversary subscription.