The first confirmations for the Crossing Border day programme on November 5 at nine beautiful locations in The Hague / The return of You'll have to scream LOUDER as an evening programme at Crossing Border / festival poster of anniversary edition made by famous Flemish artist.
A number of special authors and poets have been added to the evening programme: Johny Pitts, Hernan Diaz, Nisrine Mbarki, Alara Adilow, Lee Bains and Olga Ravn. Michelle Gurevich and Gino Cochise complete the music programme. As a black European, photographer and writer Johnny Pitts traveled across Europe to capture what it means to be a Black European in unique images and narration in his new book Afropean. Hernan Diaz presents his new novel Trust, with different storylines, a Wall Street Tycoon and an aristocrat in the New York of the roaring twenties. Dutch-Moroccan poet Nisrine Mbarki presents her new collection Oeverloos, about a quest for primal forces, captured in beautiful sentences.
Somali poet Alara Adilow presents her debut collection Mythen en Stoplichten, with raw and visual poems about desire, gender, queerness and wanting to escape from the body. Alabama-born singer-songwriter, musician and poet Lee Bains recites excerpts from his Work Lunch poetry series published in The New Yorker before taking the stage to perform with artist and musician Lonnie Holley.
Danish author Olga Ravn introduces her latest book The Employees, a brilliant existential nightmare, in which we learn that sometimes we have to forget the answers because it's the questions that count. Michelle Gurevich brings her slowcore rock and lo-fi songs full of vulnerability, romantic friendships and endless desires. And when Gino Cochise plays his set, he does so with the firm conviction that music is a healing medicine.
More artists will be added to the line-up in the near future. The line up will be complete at the beginning of September.
Buy your tickets here.

This year, the Crossing Border day programme will be expanded to 9 locations: Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Zaal 3, BorderKitchen, 3345 records, The Bookstor Cafe, Royal Academy of Art (KABK), Huis van het Boek, Theater aan het Spui and Theater PePijn.
The daytime programme includes interviews with writers, showcases and special events. Top authors Leïla Slimani, Raynor Winn and Nino Haratischwili will introduce their new titles. Leila Slïmani presents Kijk ons dansen, in which we follow her mother who grew up on a poor farm but became Morocco's first gynecologist. Raynor Winn introduces her new book Landlines, in which she recounts the toughest journey she and her husband have yet made. Nino Haratischwili will present her new book The lack of light in the Netherlands around November 1, a moving story about the friendship of four women and a beautiful ode to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.
Bryan Washington is interviewed about his new book Lot, which prompted a development programme for 13 translation talents. Every chapter of his book was translated by one of them, and some will also engage in a live conversation with Washington. To what extent does it help if the translator has an affinity with cultural diversity or the queer community? And what does the translation process teach the writer about his own work? Last year the day programme was completely sold out, so buy your tickets quickly. Individual tickets are available for purchase for the day programme. Book sales and signing sessions are held during the events.
Buy your tickets here.

Get ready for the return of You'll have to scream LOUDER as a festival night at Crossing Border. The first edition last year was completely sold out, but could not take place due to the corona measures. On November 3, You'll have to scream LOUDER will be held: a dazzling evening with talent from the Netherlands and Flanders: music, poetry and spoken word. Location is the Korzo Theater: starting time is 20.00 hours. The line-up includes: Babeth Fonchie Fotchind, Jasper Albinus, De Witte Kunst and Esohe Weyden. Poet Babeth Fonchie Fotchind talks about the hidden vulnerabilities of apparently successful, urban millennials and effortlessly switches between different language registers.
With his poetry and performances spoken word artist and poet Jasper Albinus makes issues surrounding identity, history and politics tangible. De Witte Kunst brings synthpop that has an insidious frivolity and is wrapped in crazy costumes, but with deep seated fears in the background. Spoken Word artist and poet Esohe Weyden presents her collection of poems Tussentaal, with which she made her debut this year and which was nominated for the C. Buddingh Prize. Check out the full programme for this evening here. More artists will be added to the programme in the near future.
Buy your tickets here.

This year's festival poster was made by the renowned artist Rinus van de Velde. He comes from Antwerp, where coincidentally also a Crossing Border festival is taking place this year;) Rinus Van de Velde (1983) lives and works in Antwerp. His practice mainly consists of drawings that hark back to a personal archive of photographs from popular science magazines such as National Geographic and from biographies of artists and scientists. Lately, he's re-executing found footage or photographing non-existent scenes, which he then uses as source material. His work is exhibited internationally in galleries and museums. Next February, Museum Voorlinden will invite him for a special exhibition.
Rinus Van De Velde
And now what!? ...,
oil pastel on paper 110,1 x 73 cm
Courtesy Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp
Lettering by Spacebar